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Women in Business Committee

Christine Pusateri
Chair Christine Pusateri Hair Solutions , President/Owner
Christine Pusateri Solutions is a niche business. We deal with something that affects about half of the population as they age, hair loss. I have b...
Kimberly (Kimi) Smith
Athletico Physical Therapy Niles-Chicago, Facility Manager
Kimberly (Kimi) has been the Facility Manager for the Niles/Northwest Chicago Athletico since 2018. Her mantra after taking over this clinic was co...
Mitch Johnson
Village of Niles, Communications and Multimedia Coordinator
Margaret Keating
Village of Niles, Executive Assistant/Deputy Village Clerk
Michelle Michonski
Sylvan Learning, Center Director of Education
Hello! My background is in education.  I have worked for Sylvan for over 20 years in a variety of roles and locations.  I'm even a Sylvan graduate!...
Elsa Volpe
Time Bank, VP Deposit Account Relations
I have been in banking since 1981 with primary focus in community banking. My experience includes Treasury Services, Retail Banking, Residential Le...
Marty Jalove
Master Happiness, LLC, Happiness Instigator
There are many reasons why your business growth becomes stagnant or starts to decline. A lack of enthusiasm, focus, drive, and desire can spread ...
Jane Canepa
The Eventors, Inc., President
As President and Founder of The Eventors, Inc., I am a successful public relations and events marketing professional with over forty-five years in ...
Angela Roden
Paylocity, Emerging Markets Account Executive
My name is Angela with Paylocity. I help business owners & CPAs find the best payroll processing and HR solutions for their businesses/clients.I be...
Jen Puccini
Twenty-One Senses, Founder
Jen has over 20 years of management, web marketing, and usability experience. She’s an active volunteer, community leader, and the mother of two aw...
Marta Druzbacka
MD Ventures Medical Spa, Owner/Nurse Practitioner
Our Nurse Injector and Owner, Marta Druzbacka, is a Board Certified Nurse Practitioner with Full Practice Authority in the State of Illinois. She h...
Teresa Villalobos
Jordan Essentials, Jordan Essentials Independant Consultant
Stressed Tired, Sore???  You may be deficent in Magnesium.  I am Teresa Villalobos your Jordan Essentials Consultant.  Providing you and your famil...

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